Quick & Easy Hoop Earrings

Mix & Match’s staple stack is the Infinite Hoops. They are lightweight and very comfortable, so they can be worn every day as well as for sleeping. They can be a little tricky to put on or take off, especially for people with smaller fingers. Below is a guide I wrote to answer some frequently asked questions. To avoid breaking, infinite hoops are made of tube wire hoops. They must be opened vertically and not horizontally. You can open infinite hoops by gently rocking your post back and forth with the hoop shut. You can see movement if you find the end of your post. This is where you will open your hoop.

Thread the post through your piercing to close an infinite loop. To close the gap, use your index and thumb to push the hoops closer together. Use the same two fingers to guide the hollow end so that it aligns with the post. To secure the hoop, place the post on the hollow end with hoop earrings your other hand. Voila! These videos will demonstrate the steps. If the post is not fitting into the tube, it may be necessary to have someone help you.

Next is the temper. The temper is the number of passes that the wire has been through a drawplate. It is considered dead-soft if it has not been through a drawplate that hardens it. 5 passes will make it half-hard and 10 would make it harden completely. Because it is so flexible, a dead soft wire will be hard to shape. A hardwire, however, would be much easier to shape.

How about the material? You have the freedom to choose, but it is important to consider what others can wear comfortably. Copper is one my favourite metals. However, I cannot wear it because of an allergic reaction. Copper allergies can be common so make sure to keep this in mind when choosing your jewelry wire. My preferred choice for earlobes is sterling silver or gold-filled.

To create hoops, you only need a few tools and a lot of effort. This is great news for makers who require a quick product but don’t have the time or resources to make it. It is a good idea to have several sizes of hoops available. The biggest decision will be which size you choose. The instructions below were made with a dapping punch. But you can be creative! These can be made from wine bottles, vases or cups. Just make sure it can withstand light hammering. Have scrap wire lying around? Create hoops using your scrap wire. This is a great way for you to get rid of all the scrap wire that has accumulated in your jewelry studio.

Once you have determined the shape of your hoop you will need to insert a loop into it. The loop should be placed diagonally across your hoop’s top. Keep this in mind when placing the wire between your round nose pliers. The wire’s tip must rest between the jaws. It should not stick above the round jaws. You will need to hold the wire with one hand, and the pliers with the other. Then wrap the wire around your round nose pliers.

These gorgeous hoop earrings can be made in a matter of minutes and don’t require any finishing. You can make several pairs of earrings in a matter of minutes once you feel comfortable. You can also hang lightweight charms or wire wrap sterling Silver beads along the sides of the hoops. These tiny decorations can add variety to your wire-hoop earrings collection.

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